Input Arguments
This page outlines the required inputs and optional parameters for running OncoBLADE.
Required Datasets
1. Signature Matrices
X: An Ngene by Ncell matrix containing average gene expression profiles per cell type (a signature matrix) in log-scale.
stdX: An Ngene by Ncell matrix containing standard deviation per gene per cell type (a signature matrix of gene expression variability).
2. Bulk Gene Expression Data
- Y: An Ngene by Nsample matrix containing bulk gene expression data. This should be in linear-scale data without log-transformation.
3. Expected Cell Fractions (Optional)
- Expectation: An Nsample by Ncell matrix containing the expected cell fractions used to inform OncoBLADE (optional).
Options for Reference RNA-seq Data
Users have two options for obtaining signature matrices:
Use Pre-processed Signatures
- Proceed to the Processed Dataset page to download and use pre-processed signature matrices.
Create Signatures from scRNA Data
- Follow the instructions on the Create Signatures page to generate signatures from single-cell RNA-seq data.
Accepted Input Formats
Bulk Data
Formats Accepted:
- CSV: Comma-separated values file.
- TSV: Tab-separated values file.
- Excel:
files. - R Data Files:
files containing expression matrices.
- Rows should represent genes, and columns should represent samples.
- Gene identifiers should be consistent across all datasets.
Single-cell Data for Signature Creation
Formats Accepted:
- Seurat Object: RDS files containing Seurat objects with counts and metadata.
- SingleCellExperiment: RDS files containing SingleCellExperiment objects.
- Matrix Formats: Sparse or dense matrices with accompanying metadata.
- Text Files: Counts matrices exported as CSV or TSV files with separate metadata files.
- Cell type annotations must be included in the metadata.
- Data should be preprocessed (e.g., quality control, normalization) before signature creation.
Model Hyperparameters
Additional parameters for fine-tuning the OncoBLADE model:
Ind_Marker: Index for marker genes.
- Default: A logical vector
[True] * Ngene
(all genes used without filtering). - Usage: Genes with
are excluded in the first phase (Empirical Bayes) for finding the best hyperparameters.
- Default: A logical vector
Ind_sample: Index for the samples used in the first phase (Empirical Bayes).
- Default: A logical vector
[True] * Nsample
(all samples used).
- Default: A logical vector
Alpha, Alpha0, Kappa0, sY: Hyperparameters used in the model.
- Alpha: Optimized during the model run.
- Defaults:
Alpha = 1
Alpha0 = 0.1
Kappa0 = 1
sY = 1
IterMax: Maximum number of iterations between variational parameter optimization by L-BFGS and updating hyperparameter Alpha.
- Default:
IterMax = 100
- Default:
Nrep: Number of random initial guesses used to run OncoBLADE.
- Usage: The best result in terms of the ELBO function will be chosen among the local optima.
- Default:
Nrep = 3
Njob: Number of jobs executed in parallel.
- Default:
Njob = 10
- Default:
Next Steps:
- If you have pre-processed signatures, proceed to the Processed Signatures page.
- To create signatures from your own scRNA-seq data, visit the Create Signatures page.
Placeholder Notes: