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About Statescope

Statescope is a comprehensive computational framework for dissecting bulk gene expression data by integrating high-resolution single-cell information. It employs a multi-step pipeline to estimate cellular compositions, refine cell type–specific expression profiles, and uncover latent cellular states. The framework leverages advanced algorithmic and mathematical concepts—such as iterative optimization, non-negative matrix factorization, and consensus clustering—to provide a robust and detailed analysis of cellular heterogeneity.

Overview of the Pipeline

The Statescope workflow consists of three sequential stages:

  1. Deconvolution:
    Unmixes the bulk RNA-seq signal by estimating the relative proportions of different cell types using prior single-cell marker data.

  2. Refinement (Purification):
    Improves the initial estimates from deconvolution by integrating the full gene expression profile, reducing noise, and correcting biases through an iterative optimization process.

  3. State Discovery:
    Reveals latent subpopulations (or states) within each cell type via convex non-negative matrix factorization (cNMF) and consensus clustering methods.

Each stage builds on the previous one, ensuring that the final results capture both the overall cellular composition and the intra-cell type heterogeneity.

Detailed Workflow and Mathematical Concepts

1. Deconvolution

To estimate the fraction of each cell type in a bulk sample by “unmixing” the observed expression data.

Key Inputs:

  • Bulk Expression Data:
    Gene expression values measured across samples.
  • Marker Genes & Single-Cell Profiles:
    High-resolution single-cell expression data (including measures of variability) for a predefined set of marker genes.

Deconvolution in Statescope is implemented within a Bayesian framework. Here, the bulk expression is assumed to be generated as a weighted combination of cell type–specific expression profiles, where the weights (cell fractions) follow a probability distribution (typically a Dirichlet distribution). The method minimizes the difference between the observed bulk data and a reconstruction computed from the single-cell signatures using an iterative least-squares optimization approach, with additional regularization to prevent overfitting. Multiple random initializations are used to ensure robustness and avoid local minima.


  • A model object containing optimized parameters.
  • A fraction matrix that provides the estimated cell type proportions for each sample.

2. Refinement (Purification)

To enhance the initial cell type–specific expression estimates by incorporating the full gene expression profile, thereby producing more accurate and noise-reduced data.

Key Inputs:

  • Initial Deconvolution Output:
    The estimated cell type fractions and marker-based expression profiles.
  • Full Single-Cell Gene Expression Data:
    Comprehensive expression measurements across thousands of genes.
  • Aligned Bulk Data:
    Bulk expression data filtered to include all genes common to both datasets.

Refinement is formulated as a regularized least-squares minimization problem. The goal is to adjust the cell type-specific expression estimates so that the combined (weighted) expression profiles reconstruct the observed bulk data as accurately as possible. Simultaneously, a regularization term penalizes deviations from the original single-cell expression profiles. This balance between data fidelity and prior consistency is achieved through iterative updates—using alternating or gradient-based methods—until convergence is reached.


  • Refined gene expression matrices (one for each cell type) that provide improved estimates.
  • Variability matrices that quantify the confidence in these refined estimates.

3. State Discovery

To uncover latent cellular states within each cell type, capturing additional layers of functional or phenotypic heterogeneity.

Key Inputs:

  • Refined Gene Expression Data:
    The noise-reduced expression matrices for each cell type.
  • Variability Information:
    Data describing the variability in gene expression, used to weight the expression data appropriately.
  • Cell Type Fractions:
    The previously estimated cell type proportions, which help in scaling the data.

State discovery is performed using convex non-negative matrix factorization (cNMF). This technique decomposes the refined expression data into two non-negative matrices: one representing state loadings (the contribution of each gene to latent states) and the other representing state scores (the activity of each state across samples). The non-negativity constraints ensure that the factors are interpretable in a biological context. To determine the optimal number of latent states, the algorithm conducts multiple cNMF runs over a range of candidate state numbers and uses consensus clustering to assess the stability of the results. A metric such as the cophenetic correlation coefficient is used to select the most robust solution.


  • A state scores matrix that quantifies the contribution of each latent state across samples.
  • A state loadings matrix that shows the association strength of each gene with each latent state.
  • A fully characterized cNMF model ready for downstream analysis and visualization.


Statescope combines rigorous Bayesian inference, iterative optimization, and advanced matrix factorization techniques to deliver a high-resolution view of cellular composition and heterogeneity. By integrating bulk RNA-seq with single-cell data, it not only estimates cell type proportions but also refines expression profiles and identifies hidden cellular states—offering a powerful tool for studying complex biological systems.